Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Neurotic Ninjas Revealed

You've managed to stumble across The Neurotic Ninjas - either that, or you have been summoned to join our antics as we blog our way through the year, which is sure to be filled with little sleep, coffee, (well, I'm more of a tea person myself) and wit.

The Neurotic Ninjas are Courtney (me) and Mary, two slightly crazy best friends who have a love of nerdiness among other things. The idea for this blog project started out many months ago when Mary suggested the idea as a way to keep in touch over the school year. Well, we've taken advantage of the magic of text messaging ever since Mary has acquired that capability, but we still thought it would be be a fun, and more in depth alternative. How much can you really say through text messages anyways? (Although, once, Mary and I communicated solely through rhyming text messages for a few days to determine who would be crowned the rhyming champion. I'm not quite sure who won that.)

To introduce myself specifically - well, again, my name is Courtney. You can usually find me procrastinating on the internet, at the library, or (not-so) sophisticatedly drinking green tea. I have a extremely nerdy love of Harry Potter that sometimes has me going to wizard rock concerts or dressing up for the midnight movie premieres. I have been told that I am a quiet person, but lately I have been accepting that part of me. Perhaps that means I am mysterious? Well, I am a ninja.

Mary and I have been best friends since the time of playing doll house and legos together in kindergarten. I value our friendship more than almost anything and she has been the most amazing friend throughout the years. If not for her, I don't even know how I would have survived the dark days of grade school. I find it incredible that even though we became best friends by chance (I could have asked anybody else to play with the doll house with me), we both have evolved in ways that would make us eerily similar yet we have our own unique qualities. For example, we both are Harry Potter nerds and have the same taste in music, yet we have had bitter disputes over American Idol Season 7 and Team Unicorn and Team Zombie. Archuleta and Unicorns all the way, man. (Ha, can you see a theme there?)

Our plans for this project are still generally unknown. This is just our introduction post, so our regular posts will hopefully be a little less awkward. We hope to blog a few days a week, switching off between the two of us: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, though that might change. Also, the subjects of these blog posts is undetermined. My guess it that they will cover a range of extremely random, nerdy, or just plain odd topics. Perhaps even mundane, once in a while. Hey, everyone has those days. But always, of course, neurotic!

Our main goal here is to keep in contact with an added creative touch, but we hope you'll join the dark side and join us in our ninjerly (...?) activities here at our new blog.

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