Monday, January 3, 2011

The Things You Find While Procrastinating...

First post! Or at least, the first post that really counts. I'm also a bit confused at how the whole format is going to be. Should I be addressing you, Mary? Or the readers, who are probably nonexistent? Well, like I said, I'll be winging it.

I have been thinking some more about New Years resolutions and I'm starting to think I shouldn't have made one, or at least not so many. Maybe the more you tell yourself you're going to do something, the less likely you are going to go ahead with your plans, possibly because you feel as if you're all set. But really, it's never too late to change for the better as long as you actually go ahead and DO IT. Such as my resolution to not procrastinate so much, a resolution I am not keeping at the moment.

During my procrastination of the day, I dug out my old eighth grade graduation yearbook. I'm not gonna lie - my article on band was pretty badass. I remember I spent a lot of time editing and rewriting my article, trying to depict our Band experience in a way that made our band members look somewhat dedicated and passionate about music. This was a rather ironic and inaccurate portrayal, because I think I was also trying to subtly mock the people in band who hated it. Band loyalty is forever, I think you will agree.

Oh, and dude, Castle is on tonight! Oh gosh, sources of procrastination are infinite.
Signing off for now because I have nothing to write about right now and because I lack creativity today,
Ninja Courtney


  1. That was a badass article and I remember that! Great job and yes: band loyalty is forever! Also, address as you wish. You can address these posts to me, or nonexistent readers because it is fun (to send messages to metaphorical walls). Like I said, whatever suits your fancy. As for Castle on tonight, I am so incredibly happy! It is the only thing that is not throwing me into a major depression from having to go back to school tomorrow. *wails* Ah, all of the stress and things to do are really bearing down on me.
    I wish life was simple, huh?
    :) Nice post fellow ninja.

  2. Hmm... I wonder who that could be... ;)
    I hope your first day back wasn't too dreadful.
    I still haven't watched Castle though!
