I'm sure that will cheer you up. ;)
But really. I am going through CourtneymissesMaryosis.
This week has been quite busy. I finally finished up a book analysis that I had been working on for ages! Huzzah! Well, I am almost finished with it. It's more or less the same thing, right?
Also, this weekend I went iceskating for the first real time; I had gone once when I was about three, but that obviously doesn't count. Ha, I was actually pretty nervous about it, but I did surprisingly well after I got used to it. The first ten minutes were filled with shrieking and flailing. Even though I eventually got the hang of it, I forced my sister to drag me along because my feet hurt and I didn't feel like moving them... Yeah... I am lazy. I didn't fall once though. I'm quite proud of that.
Today was a bit of a set-back in terms of productivity. However, I put together another video which features my drawings of John and Hank Green and several other crappy drawing. Oh, and my attempt at a John impersonation. Sort of. If you consider making youtube videos productive, then I have definitely been gettin' down to some business today.
If you need any cheesy awesome movie recommendations, I suggest Despicable Me, which I just watched. It's hilarious and very cute.
Until next time,
Ninja Courtney
Haha, I was already cheered up…until you brought unicorns into this. I hope you had fun ice-skating and I need to check out your videos!
ReplyDeleteGah, I just checked! You did not upload that new video…I am waiting in baited anticipation. I shall have you know…
ReplyDeleteMuahaha. ;)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't know why the text is so small at the top... It won't change.