Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebooky Frustrations

Dealing with people who seem to attract drama and like to smother other people with it is definitely a tricky subject… one that I have fallen out of in the past couple years thanks to homeschooling. Mostly, I think of it as a perk but I guess you have been gaining some experience and strength there. Ha, there is definitely no shortage of people like that in the “real world”, I’m sure. I guess you seem to be the type of person that people want to go to for support – however, there’s a line between needing actual advice and the obsession of really stupid stuff that they really should just let go of for their own sanity (and the sanity of others).

Like I said, this sort of stuff has been pretty absent in my life, but you can never really escape it on the world of Facebook. You are very smart not to have one. While I like having one for convenience and so I can easily get in touch with someone if necessary (...sometime in the future, perhaps… I find it funny how I rarely use Facebook for its intended purpose: “connecting” with people), logging in and seeing all the drama-infested status updates and comments is extremely frustrating.

Arghhh, it’s just so stupid. I don’t really know how else to describe it. The way everyone is all up in everyone else’s face, commenting on everyone else’s life, personal relationships, etc, etc, etc. It’s almost like everything in your life is stripped down and changed into what you want it to be – you can upload only the attractive photos of you, you can say the things that will make you sound funny and smart, you can interact with other people online in a way that makes it seem like you have a close, personal relationship, when maybe that it really isn’t.

And another common trend on Facebook - what’s with people thinking they need a love life to survive? Those types of people are doomed to always be unhappy with themselves. God forbid you don’t have a “Facebook official” relationship.

Despite all of this frustration with the internet, I may possibly be getting more addicted to it… I’m considering posting some videos on my YouTube channel (which doesn’t have anything on it yet). Possibly a cover, first. I’ve been playing guitar lately. Well, anyways, internet can be a good thing. It just has a tendency to take over your life if you let it.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more. Some internet communities are much better than others, but as in life, there are always sour apples. Plus, kids nowadays (yah, I sound like a granny) they rarely confront other people. I mean, do you hear about fights in a classroom? Uh no, it is either a petty l-am-by-yo-locker fight, or a facebook fight every time. And what kind of importance comes with a “facebook official” relationship anyway? It is a virtual website; it just reflects the relationship turnouts perfectly. Fake. Petty. Just for status.

